Rules For The Blood Thirsty Challenge
Every challenge needs rules and this is no exception. Stone and Leeta over at WoWChallenges believe in keeping things as simple as possible. So yes there are rules but they are pretty straight forward and easy to understand. You can find the list of rules on WoWChallenges.com. Each challenge has its own set of rules. These rules are strictly for The Blood Thirsty Challenge.
For those of you who are a little unsure of what this challenge is about, you are basically grinding(killing mobs) with as little questing as possible while trying to get to max level. So far only one person has managed to hit max level on this challenge.
1. Do Not Die! - While all of the rules of the challenge are important this one is the MOST important. Should your Blood Thirsty Challenge toon die you will need to start over from level 1.
2. Quest as little as possible - You are allowed to complete only 4 quests before becoming flagged.
​Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Goblins, Worgen, and Pandaren are all allowed to complete their introductory quests. Please see the list of allowed quests at the link below.
Some quests are allowed to open up Mists of Pandaria and Legion expansions. Please see the list of allowed quests at the link below.
A yellow flag will be given for 5 to 9 quests completed that are not on the allowed list.
A Red flag will be given for 10 or more quests completed that are not on the allowed list.
Link for the allowed quests --> LINK
2A. Characters created BEFORE September 28th, 2017 will continue to use the old quest rules:
1. You are allowed to complete only 210 quests before becoming flagged. (this total also adds in your account wide quests. You might want to check your quests completed before doing any quests. Though really you shouldn't be looking to do any quests if you can help it on your Blood Thirsty Challenger.)
2. You'll be yellow flagged for doing 211 to 231 quests
3. You'll be red flagged for doing 232 quests or more
3. Gearing Up - All Blood Thirsty Challengers are allowed to wear Grey, White or Green gear. Nothing higher. If you slip and put on a Blue, Purple, or Orange quality gear item you will be red flagged on the site and will have to start over from level 1.
3a. Enchantments - No enchantments are allowed ( DK Rune Empowerment is an exception since it is a class skill. ) If you break this rule you will be red flagged and have to start over.
3b. Shirts - All shirts are allowed.
3c. Tabards - All tabards are allowed.
4. Talents - Talent points are NOT ALLOWED. Should you select any your challenge toon will be red flagged and you will need to start over. After awhile you'll get used to that flashing talent point icon at the bottom of your screen.
4a. Class Skills - Skills you have related to your class ( Warlocks can make healthstones or DK rune weapon enchants) ARE ALLOWED since these are available to your class without having to pick a talent, spec, or glyph.
4b. Specs - Specs are ALLOWED. They kind of have to be allowed now since you are forced into a spec at level 10. You are ALLOWED to change specs as well and as many times as you want.
4c. Glyphs - Glyphs are ALLOWED since they are now a visual or cosmetic effect.
5. Professions - Primary professions are NOT ALLOWED.
5a. First Aid - First Aid is the ONLY secondary profession ALLOWED.
6. Potions & Flasks - These are NOT ALLOWED. The site will also check for healthstone use if you are not a Warlock. If you break this rule your toon will be red flagged and you'll have to start over.
6a. Elixirs - Elixir use is NOT ALLOWED. (Except those that count as elixirs for quests) Break this rule and you will be red flagged.
6b. Please Note - Quests that require elixir use (like Drakuru's Elixir) allow for only ONE USE of the elixir per quest. Extra uses of the elixir will red flag you.
7. Kills - Your killing blow/total kills percentage must be 75% or higher. Break this rule and you will be yellow flagged. Should this happen just keep killing and once you've killed enough the flag should flip back to green.
7a. Kills that grant experience or honor must be past a certain threshold: 10 kills/level up until level 10 and then (level * 0.25) + floor(level / 20) for level 11+... cumulative. For a level 10 character this means you need 100 kills.
*Coming from someone who has been doing this challenge for awhile now as long as you don't get any help (which is against the rules) and just do your grinding thing you should be fine. If someone keeps trying to help you and won't stop move to a different spot and hopefully they will get the hint*
8. Grouping - You CANNOT join a party, raid or group with the intent of getting help to further yourself in the challenge.
9. Dungeons & Raids - NO Vanilla (below level 60 content), Burning Crusade (Outlands), Cataclysm, Wrath of the Lich King, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor or Burning Legion dungeon or raid bosses killed/completed. Break this rule your toon will be red flagged. (It is why it is so important that you make sure you go into your social tab in the Interface menu and check the box next to "Display only character achievements to others" this way the site doesn't flag you for dungeons your "normal" toons have completed before you sign up on the website)
9a. Battlegrounds and Arenas are also NOT ALLOWED. Doing either one will get your red flagged.
10. Guilds - Joining a guild is ALLOWED but you are NOT ALLOWED to use guild repairs or the guild bank to assist your toon in any way. Best way to handle this is to either join a WoWChallenges guild or ask to be put at a guild rank that doesn't let you access either.
11. Pet Battles - Not Allowed so please save that for your "normal" toons.
12. Boosts - Character boosts are NOT ALLOWED. You are going to have to get your hands dirty with the rest of us, sorry!
13. Buffs - Food buffs or other external buffs (like buffs from other players or scrolls) are NOT ALLOWED. Class abilities, racials and personal buffs (like kings if you are a paladin) are OKAY.
14. XP Boosting - NO Recruit-a-Friend or other xp boosting activities, buffs, or gear.
Such as:
Xp buffs from the Darkmoon Faire(carousel, hat, ect...)
Heirloom gear
Garrison potion
Monk Xp Buff
Again all of the things mentioned above are NOT ALLOWED!
15. Mounts & Toys - All mounts ARE ALLOWED. (including the water-walkers, the ones with vendors, and the heirloom bike) All toys ARE ALLOWED.
16. Draenor Specific Rules :
*Please note with the new quest rules, NEW challengers added to the list after September 27, 2017 will not be allowed to complete the garrison unlocking quest chain*
​> Flying in Draenor is ALLOWED.
> All follower missions ARE ALLOWED.
> The mine and herb garden in the garrison ARE ALLOWED.
> All buildings ARE ALLOWED except for:
Barracks level 2 or higher - NOT ALLOWED (can't use the bodyguard, counts as help)
> Shipyard is ALLOWED.
> Garrison Outposts/Zone-Wide Perks:
Gorgond = ALLOWED
Talador = ALLOWED
Spires of Arak = Brewery is NOT ALLOWED due to passive XP bonus. Sumggling Run = ALLOWED
Nagrand = ALLOWED
*Please take note: Since it is now possible for Blood Thirsty Challenge toons to get into Draenor through the Timeless Isle cave all things involving the garrison MAY be moved to the "NOT ALLOWED" list once the changes go live involving quests. I will let you know when Stone has activated the changes and what they will mean for your Blood Thirsty Challengers.
17. Legion Specific Rules :
> Flying in Legion is ALLOWED
> Skipping the into quest line is ALLOWED (Personally, I recommend you skip it. You don't need it and should be skippable if you have done this quest line on a "normal" toon.)
> As with Draenor, the same goes for Legion, bodyguards are NOT ALLOWED.
> Using Class Order Hall "upgrades" are NOT ALLOWED.
> Artifact weapon is NOT ALLOWED.
* Now personally I will tell anyone who asks me about Class Orders Halls, not to touch them at all. Everything about them counts as quests. Remember we are on a grinding mission. Not a questing mission. You don't need them. They are not required for us to access the Legion zones. We can NOT USE the artifact weapon anyhow. Just avoid them after you get to New Dalaran. If the NPC that follows you trying to get you pick up the quest chain for it drives you nuts just set your original hearthstone to somewhere in a Legion zone. That way you'll still have your Dalaran hearthstone for when you need to use a portal to a major city. *
Now some of what I have gone over above is mentioned in the FAQ on the WoWChallenges website. Please do give that a look over before starting your challenge toon. In fact you can find a link to it here. So no excuses, don't be lazy! This FAQ covers all the challenges. If you are confused by anything mentioned please feel free to ask about it. Always people you can ask on the WoWChallenges Discord.
Lastly please remember you can NOT send yourself gold, gear, or bags! Treat your challenge toon as if it is the only toon you have.