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The Draenei: Ammen Vale & Azuremyst Isle

Welcome to the Dreanei starting zones. When you first load in, you'll find yourself in Ammen Vale. This is the level 1 through 5 area for our blue horned friends. It's not overly huge but it is a bit spread out, so you might be a little overwhelmed about what to go grind on first.

After getting everything setup how I like it, I run down the hill and head for the Vale Moths and Volatile Mutations. These guys are a good starting point to get your feet wet. They don't drop anything too exciting so you won't be making a lot of starting cash from them, but they respawn fairly quickly and there are a good number of them. I usually grind on these mobs till level 3.

At level 3, I head over to Nestlewood Thicket, south from The Crash Site. Over here I'll kill Mutated Owlkin. I try to leave the lighter tan colored Nestlewood Owlkin alive for those that are doing the quest, but that's up to you. I'll grind on the Mutated Owlkin till level 4.

Level 4 takes me over to Shadow Ridge, on the bottom left hand corner of your map, southwest of The Crash Site and Silverline Lake. Here, I'll kill Blood Elf Scouts until level 5.

All of the mobs in Ammen Vale are neutral so there are no worries about a hostile patrol walking up behind you, but do keep in mind if you use an AOE, you'll probably aggro extra mobs if they walk into the AOE or are tightly packed together.

At level 5 it's time to empty our bags and head on out to the big wide world of Azuremyst Isle. It's just across the river that separates the two islands. Follow the road up to Azure Watch and change your hearthstone before heading out again. While you're there, you can also learn First Aid. The trainer is next to the Night Elf laying on a blanket on the ground.

For levels 5 and 6, I'll grind on the Moongraze Stags, Root Trappers, and Timberstrider Fledglings that wonder around between Azure Watch and Odesyus Landing.

Levels 7 and 8 bring me to Bristlelimb Village for some humanoid slaughtering. These furbolgs will drop cloth, money, and maybe a green or two. Don't forget to check around the camps, you might find a small chest or two. There will not be anything super awesome inside but you might get a few goods you can put up on Auction House or some free food. If bag space is an issue, you can run down to the dock near by at Valaar's Berth, just behind the Exodar. Hang tight for a minute or two and the boat to the Night Elves area will show up, you can hop on and sell to the vendor on the boat and then hop back off before the boat leaves. This way you won't have to hearth back just to vendor.

For level 9 I like to head over to Silvermyst Isle, a short swim across the channel from Bristlelimb Village. Here, I will kill Owlbeasts till level ten. They count as humanoids and sometimes it's just less crowded over here. Bristlelimb Village can get really busy at times since it is a quest area, and the busier an area the more wild the respawns seem to get. I like to grind in less busy areas when possible. Sometimes the zone is just plain busy and it can't be avoided. You could probably come over here sooner but I'll leave that choice up to you.

Another option would be the Ravager Specimens over at the Menagerie Wreckage. They do not count as humanoids but there are fair amount of them, and sometimes you can find a chest around the wreckage. This area can get busy at times also since there is a quest that sends people over here.

At level 10 it's time to head back to Azure Watch, dump my bags of any junk and then head over to the Exodar and put any goodies I have up on Auction House.

That pretty much covers how I handle the Draenei starting zones of Ammen Vale and Azuremyst Isle. Till next time challenge onward and challenge safely!

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