Update time! Let's get right too it tonight.
Kneesee - Beastmaster Hunter
She is settling into Arathi just fine. Finding rares up here can be a challenge in and of itself on a normal server with the amount of other people being zoned in together. I have found a few but not many. Nevertheless this week she got to level 26 with a /played time of 17 hours, 29 minutes and 5 seconds. Her kill total is at 1,450.
Renewedsoul - Holy Priest
No rare bear this week, but she is increasing her small egg cache. Holy still feels pretty good so far which does surprise me a bit to be honest. Will be interesting to see how this spec pans out as we get to higher levels. This week saw her safely to level 34 with a /played time of 1 day, 10 hours, 43 minutes, and 23 seconds.
Soulfist - Mistweaver Monk
She is still bumming around Blastedlands melting things. I still am surprised at how fast this healing spec is killing things at the moment. Can't wait to see if that holds as we get higher or if it fizzles out. This week she got to level 56 with a total /played time of 3 days, 7 hours, 28 minutes, and 23 seconds. Her total kills are sitting at 7,033.
Soulsnuffer - Disc Priest
Another week freezing her butt off in Icecrown has passed. She is slowly stashing away the frostweave to send to my main.
Leveling is a bit slow but she is a caster so kind of expected to be honest. This week she got to level 75 with a /played time of 6 days, 5 hours, 38 minutes, and 27 seconds. Her kill total is at 11,935.
Soulstoned - Destro Lock
Well this one is still a slow go for me. Changing zones didn't really do anything to help with that. She did get a few upgrades this level though so yay for that at least. She got to level 85 with a /played of 8 days, 28 minutes, and 44 seconds. Total kills are at 17,787.
Soulfulpaw - Bal Druid
My current big girl is still grinding away in Legion. This level she got about 200ish gold from just looting the humanoids she's killing. No issues this level, just focusing on trying to not mess up and staying alive. This week got her to level 104 with a /played time of 11 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes, and 24 seconds. Total kills are at 28,422.
Blood Team Soul Patrol
All right the team. Not sure how but I am now two bars off in experience between the two. Will keep an eye on it to make sure the gap doesn't widen much more. Not sure how I want to go about fixing it but I have a few ideas. This week they got to level 39 with a /played time of 5 days, 5 hours, and 56 minutes. Total kills are at 7,978.