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Update: Week of October 2nd

Hey guys! Hope everyone's week went well. Mine was okay, no challengers were lost, always a good thing. Had some issues with armory updating some of toons after maintenance day, things now seem to be up and running as usual and everyone has been updated on the tracking page. All right let's get down to this week's update...

Soulfulpaw - (Night Elf, Balance Druid)

She spent the week in Blasted Lands again, grinding her way through those three quest mobs and some others thrown in on the side to break things up. She dinged level 57 this week.

Tidalsoul - (Dwarf, Resto Shaman)

She is currently bumming around Wetlands, grinding away on the gnolls out in the middle of the zone. Probably going to be spending one more level there before moving on. She finished out the week at level 22.

Tatteredsoul - (Dwarf, Frost Mage)

She is still exploring Loch Modan and getting to know all the rares out there very well. Had a crappy round on Auction House with her this week, only managed to make about 4 gold but still 4 more gold then I had, so I'll take it. She dinged 16 this week.

Soulsnuffer - (Gnome, Disc Priest)

This one is also hanging out in Wetlands right now and will be for a few levels more. She spent this level grinding on water elementals across from the spider cave where you first enter the zone. This one also had a bad week on Auction house only made 2 gold. Oh well. I will repost once more and if nothing sells this time, it'll be sent off to my main to D.E. and be sold on my normal bank alt.

Soulshield - (Draenei, Ret Pally)

Once again this week I had a scare on her. Was doing my thing grinding away in Nagrand and suddenly noticed my judgement spell didn't go off, but just remained lit up on my bar. Full panic mode began and I started pressing all of my oh shit buttons, only to finally d/c. I managed to get back into the game to find my pally just staring out over the lake looking as peaceful as ever. So I logged out after hearthing back to the inn, severely rattled, and hopped on to the low level toons. That would be why they are all grouped up together near the top. After a day or two, I got back on the pally and got her to level 64 without further issues.

Soulstorm - (Night Elf, Prot Warrior)

This week she made the trip to Thousand Needles, might have been a level too soon but I sent her there anyhow. She'll be grinding away on the neutral inhabitants of Splithoof Heights for the next few levels. They drop a fair amount of silk and some silver to boot. She made it to level 39 this week.

Soulstoned - (Dwarf, Dest Lock)

Now, I'm not sure if it's just me or what, but leveling this one feels like it takes forever and a day. This one is in Blasted Lands as well, following the same path as Soulfulpaw. The day I was working on the lock though Blasted Lands was super super busy. Made it through the level without any incidents and she is now level 57.

Soulsapped - (Gnome, Outlaw Rogue)

You guessed it, he is still in Winterspring trying to pick nonexistent pockets. I've found that I really do not like grinding on the cats down by the cub daily area, they keep hitting me with a bleed or rake or something that keeps popping me out of stealth since it's damaging me. The chimeras, bears, and yetis work though. Tried to take on a few owlkin and I'm still a little too low level and some of them can see through my stealth. Perhaps next level we'll give them a go again. I did manage to snag two rares, the rhino and the purple chimera, so yay bonus! I also had a green belt drop, and when I looked to see if it was any better than what I had on, it was much better than I realized. Turns out I had on a level 15 grey belt up to this point, talk about one heck of an upgrade! This guy dinged 50 this week.

Soulshot - (Gnome, BM Hunter)

This one is still in Zangermarsh, think I'll stay here one more level before seeing how things go in Nagrand. Hunters might be a little bit OP since I'm killing red mobs and I don't have that great of gear. I was killing the bog beasts over in the Dead Mire but switched to the ogres and went pretty well. Hit level 60 this week, now I just have to head over to Honor Hold and train my flying!

Soulfist - (Draenei, BM Monk)

Still in Ashenvale, killing bears, trees and stags. Managed to find that rare again from last week too! Leveling was pretty good this week, only had to heal a handful of times. Finished out the week hitting level 23! Next week may find her in a different location.


Gentlesoul - (Gnome, Disc Priest)

Ahh yes, my pacifist. Darkmoon Faire was in town this week, so of course she went. Did the fishing, cooking, mining, and herbing quests. I also ended up doing the quests for the Harvest Festival since I was picking flowers in Western/Eastern Plague lands anyhow. Ended up taking a few days to get her leveled but I did it and am now level 48!

*Side Projects*

Soulmend - (Night Elf, Resto Druid)

This is one of the side projects I am working. I am trying to get her to level 100 in just the gear she started out in, grinding the whole way. She is listed on the Blood Thirsty Challenge list since she is following those rules. I do have to keep reminding myself to go slower on her since she is basically wearing tissue paper for gear at this point. So far, so good though. She is in Wetlands also killing gnolls. Managed to hit level 21 on her this week!

Soulglaive - (Blood Elf, Havoc Demon Hunter)

Holy shit... so I think if I ever make it to Legion on any of my Bloods, this is where the true test of patients will be. This is definitely going to be a long haul and since she is not a main Blood Thirsty toon, her levels will be a LOT slower in coming. I got about three percent leveled and needed a break. Good luck to those that try it! No change in level this week though she is on the list now.

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