Okay guys, sorry this post is a little late in getting put up, it's been a busy week for me. Enough about that though, let's get on with why we are here.
Tidalsoul - (Dwarf, Resto Shaman)
Okay so she spent this level in Wetlands playing wack-a-gnoll out near the windmill, with a few gators on the side. Was a pretty quiet and straight forward level. She dinged 23 this week. Next week it's off to Arathi Highlands.
Tatteredsoul - (Dwarf, Frost Mage)
This level was spent still bumming around Loch Modan and playing in the mud. Managed to snag a few rares, but alas not all of them were up. She'll be staying in the Loch for one more level. She dinged level 17 this week.
Soulsnuffer - (Gnome, Disc Priest)
This wee one is also playing wack-a-gnoll out in Wetlands near the windmill. I have a pretty good loop set up to run through there that I can follow without loosing my place. She'll be in Wetlands playing with the gnolls and gators for another two levels most likely. This week she hit level 21.
Soulfulpaw - (Night Elf, Balance Druid)
This past level was spent in Blasted lands yet again. Spent the time killing those three quest mobs we talked about previously as well as the demons over in the swampy area. She hit level 58 and is packing her bags for Outlands as we speak.
Soulshield - (Draenei, Ret Pally)
Okay, so had a rough week with her sort of, not with d/cs or near misses, I just couldn't find a happy place to put her. I was okay in Nagrand but really wanted a change of color pallet, tried Blades Edge, just couldn't settle in, ended up in Netherstorm. Checked in at Area52, changed the hearthstone and went to slaughter some Draenei ghosts in the ruins nearby, with some rock flyers on the side. She reached level 65 this week and will probably stay put for at least one more level.
Soulstorm - (Night Elf, Prot Warrior)
This level once again found her in Thousand Needles at the neutral horse people's village whose name is escaping me right now. Was a pretty nice level, nothing exciting happened and got a good amount of silk for First Aid and to sell on AH. She dinged level 40 this week.
SoulStoned - (Dwarf, Dest Warlock)
So this one also spend the last level in Blasted Lands killing the same things as the druid. It got really rather busy so kills started to get a little slower to rack up, but we got there in the end. She too is also packing her bags for Outlands and will be trying to hitch a ride with Soulfulpaw out to Zangermarsh! Ding level 58.
Soulsapped - (Gnome, Outlaw Rogue)
This guy managed to get 4 rares out in Winterspring this week, so that helped out nicely. Got a few greens for AH but aside from that pretty uneventful level. He made it to level 51 this week.
Soulshot - (Gnome, Beast Master Hunter)
My tiny hunter and his bunny are still going strong killing ogres in Zangermarsh. Might see how Nagrand feels next level, haven't made up my mind just yet. Ding level 61 for this guy!
Soulfist - (Draenei, Brew Master Monk)
So I started out the level in Ashenval, took out that rare worgen again, then headed off on a trip to Arathi Highlands, where we spent the rest of the level killing the ogres there and a few raptors on the side. Ding level 24.
Now for the Pacifist...
Gentlesoul - (Gnome, Priest)
So this was a tough level for me as I am so sick and tired of look at Western Plague Lands/Eastern Plague Lands loop I am on, just don't feel safe enough to move on to a different zone yet, but with the Halloween event starting with week I'll be able to get some XP from the candy buckets. She dinged level 49.
My side projects...
Soulmend - (Night Elf, Resto Druid)
Okay so this is the Blood Thirsty druid I am running in just her starting gear to level 100. Hopefully I'll make it that high. This level wasn't too bad, only had the red ring of death show up for just a second when I took on a rare and his friend. She has made it to level 22.
Soulglaive - (Blood Elf, Demon Hunter)
So no ding on her this week as I have been busy and it is going to take a lot of grinding to ding 102. I am just shy of the halfway point of her level, so maybe next week I can get that ding to happen.