Okay guys, sorry about no update for the week of the 16th but I was working on the Panda Shaman contest and had nothing to report on my Blood Thirsty Challengers.. so here goes
Soulfulpaw - Balance Druid, Night Elf
This one did not get fully leveled this week due to the fact that I just simply ran out of time.
Tidalsoul - Resto Shaman, Dwarf
She was hanging out in Arathi Highlands. Killing Ogres, raptors and spiders. She managed to make it to level 24. Her kills to date are 1,161. Took her 84 kills to reach level 24 from level 23.
Tatteredsoul - Frost Mage, Dwarf
She spent the level once again in Loch Modan. I went rare hunting and actually managed to catch a few up and got through the level before I finished checking for all of them so that was kinda fun. Took 38 kills due to so many rares to level up to 18 from 17. Total kills to date are 671.
Soulsnuffer - Disc Priest, Gnome
She spent the level in Wetlands once again killing the gnolls and a few gators on the side out by the windmill. Was a pretty smooth level. Took 92 kills to get from level 21 to level 22. Her kill total to date is 1,188.
Soulshield - Ret Pally, Spacegoat
Okay, so she spent the level in Netherstorm killing ghost spacegoats and rockflayers. As well as some Blood Elves here and there. Had a nerd rage moment when another player came charging down at the mob I was killing on their flying mount to tag it and my xp got halfed... Was so mad. Took 429 kills to get from level 65 to 66 with a kill total of 10,277.
Soulstorm - Prot Warrior, Night Elf
This level was spent once again in Thousand Needles killing our lovely neutral horse people of Splithoof Village. Had a pretty good level, stocking up on some silk to put up on AH. Took 207 kills to get from level 40 to 41. Kill total is now at 3,815.
Soulstoned - Dest Lock, Dwarf
Okay so she finally made the big trip to Outlands and got settled into Zangermarsh. She's likely to be there for awhile. Was a pretty good level, nothing major happened. 119 kills to get from level 58 to 59.
Soulshot - Gnome, BM Hunter
So, I almost did loose this one this week. Please be mindful that when in Nagrand there are Orc wolf riders and if you are alliance they will attempt to kill you and you will also be pvp flagged. They travel in a pack of three. I managed to get out of range without being dismounted on my flying mount. They dropped me down to half life and pvp flagged me. Thankfully I managed to hover in the air till the flag dropped. After that lovely incident things evened out and killed 333 mobs to get from level 61 to 62. Kill total is now at 7,957.
Soulsapped - Gnome, Outlaw Rogue
Another level spent in Winterspring. Only managed to get one rare this time. Felt like a really slow level too. I was kind of wandering around a bit, here and there, seeing if any rares were up before settling in and killing frost giants and some ice avatars. 183 kills to go from level 51 to 52. Kill total is 5,066.
Soulfist - BM Monk, Spacegoat
Spent the level once again in Arathi Highlands. I did manage to snag one rare, the spider, this time. Aside from that, was just mostly killing Ogres, spiders, and raptors. Went from level 24 to 25 in 80 kills. Kill total 1,446.
Pacifist and side projects did not get much attention this week due to me being sick, sorry bout that. Hope to have more to talk about on the next update. For now, enjoy yourselves, this is a personal challenge. Do this stuff for you and not for seeking approval from others. This is just a game after all. Have a great week, challenge onward and challenge safely. Enjoy Blizzcon!