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An Overlapping of Zones...

Hmm, an overlapping of zones, what a strange title you must be thinking. Well sit tight, and read onward. I know a lot of you are probably not going to like what comes next. I know this, I accept this. To each their own, right? There are many different zones in this game for a reason, everyone has their own personal likes and dislikes. Let the flames begin I suppose...

The Humans: Northshire and Elwynn Forest

Now anyone that follows me closely, knows I do not play many humans. There are a few reasons for that. I don't like playing most of the male races, I have a hard time seeing around my characters when they are male. I know .. just accept it, it's difficult to explain. The look on the human female faces just always makes me feel like the lights are on and no one is home.

On the off chance that I do play a human, I will start out the grind right there in Northshire. It's a nice simple area to start out it. Not too big or spread out. They do have a rare spawn up at the old kobold mine entrance. He does drop a bag though I believe it is only a 4 slot. Still a free bag is a free bag guys. Even more awesome to get this early in the game. Honestly for this level 1 through 4 run I tend to hang around up by where this kobold spawns by the mine.

At level 4 or 5, depends really on the class and how squishy I feel, I will pack up and head for Stormwind. Once there it is time to learn first aid if I have the money. Then it's off to catch the tram to Ironforge. That's right I said off to Ironforge. I do not like doing Elwynn Forest. Yes, I know and understand a lot of you do. Yes, I know and understand there are several rare to be had. If a zone makes me nervous, then I won't be able to relax and enjoy. Elwynn is one of those zone that I can not relax in on a challenger. In lots of places the mobs are tightly packed.. not good for a squishy challenger just getting their feet under them at least in my opinion. There are wolf packs interwoven together tightly.. just really hard to settle in and relax there for me. So like I said, its off to Ironforge and then I'll do a quick pass through the Gnome starting area to see if the rare leaper gnome is up and to see if the rare wolf is up. After checking on those, I head out to the same grinding areas that I take the Gnomes through in Dun Morogh.

Here is where the real part about overlapping zones comes in, for now we shall be touching upon the Dwarves...

The Dwarves: Coldridge Valley and Dun Morogh

Right so the Dwarven starting area is pretty straight forward, lots of neutral mobs to grind away on. Some early humanoids with troggs and trolls running about. I don't venture into the caves because cave normally mean bad things. Really hard to get out easily when things go wrong.

When I am starting out here, just tend to grind a few boars that are around for some free food since they drop tough jerky, hell on the teeth but soak it in enough ale and who will notice right? These are Dwarves after all... Once I have a little bit of food, I'll switch off onto the troggs and trolls. Always nice to be able to get a few coins in your pocket as soon as possible. I tend to stay here till level 4 and then slowly and carefully kill my way through the trogg tunnel to get out of the valley. Remember Dwarves are not trapped to their starting zone, you can get out going through the tunnel. Just have to kill the troggs in there. After escaping Coldridge Valley, once again it's time to change the hearthstone in Kharanos and then head over to the Gnome starting area. That's right we are checking for the rare wolf and leaper gnome. Fingers crossed they are up and we get a free bag.

Once that little side trip is complete, you guessed it, this one will follow the same path/visit the same grinding spots as the Gnomes as well. I just find this a more relaxing path. One I might add, I have had little problems with.

For more information on the grinding places in Dun Morogh, check out the starting zone guide for the Gnomes a few posts back.

I know this part of the guide was a little short but no need to retype what was written before. Next starting zone post will be for the Pandaren. So until next time guys, be safe out there and challenge onward!

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