Hello everybody! Hope you had a great weekend and an awesome BlizzCon. I'm excited for the things to come and a little overwhelmed because I'll want to try all the things. Even with all the excitement this week, I did manage to get some things done in WoW.

Soulfulpaw - Balance Druid, Night Elf
I did manage to get the druid leveled this week. Spent this level killing ogres in Zangermarsh gathering up the much needed neatherweave for my main. Got to level 60, kill total is at 7,463.
Tidalsoul - Resto Shaman, Dwarf
Her level this week was spent yet again in Arathi Highlands. Killed a lot of ogres and raptors with a few spiders on the side. Reached level 25 with a kill total of 1,248.
Tatteredsoul - Frost Mage, Dwarf
Spent the level in Loch Modan chasing rares. The level went pretty quick, managed to ding plus a little extra. Level 19 has been reached with a kill total of 722.
Soulsnuffer - Disc Priest, Gnome
Was feeling a bit bold this level, so headed off to Wetlands for the level 22 to 23 grind. Was able to kill some ogres and a few raptors on the side. Got to level 23 with a kill total of 1,275.
Soulshield - Ret Pally, Spacegoat
Alright, this level was a bit out of sorts. Didn't really want to go to Shadowmoon Valley, so I went a slightly different direction and headed back to Nagrand from Netherstorm. I choose to grind on the elementals and farm for motes to make primals. Sadly haven't sold any just yet but fingers crossed I can. I did manage to survive the level. Reached level 67 with 10,691 kills.
Soulstorm - Prot Warrior, Night Elf
Ah yes our friend the warrior. Another level was spent killing our lovely neutral horse people in Splithoof Village. Found a rare I didn't know spawned up there, a flying serpent thing. Farmed up some more silk for the auction house. Got to level 42 with a kill total of 4,031.
Soulstoned - Dest Lock, Dwarf
So yet another one in Outlands, also hanging out in Zangermarsh. Level went pretty smooth, though it always seems to get busy in the zone when I hope on this one for some unknown reason. Did manage to get to level 60 with a kill total of 7,211.
Soulfist - Brewmaster Monk, Spacegoat
Another level spent in Arathi Highlands. I believe I managed to get one rare this time. Aside from that just kinda wandered along killing a bunch of spiders and raptors. Got to level 26 with a kill total of 1,550.
Soulshot - Beastmaster Hunter, Gnome
Spend the level in Nagrand. Things went okay, got enough rep to feel safe entering the Alliance town out there. Still getting used to keeping my pet on defensive stance, not something I have done in a long time but after thinking about what someone else said, made a bit of sense. So some of the mobs I was actually killing in a few hits without my pet. Got to level 63 with a kill total of 8,327.
Soulsapped - Outlaw Rogue, Gnome
Struggled through this level for some reason, just felt like it took for freaking ever. Only managed to catch one rare this time. Got a nice mail chest that I have been trying to get for my shaman for transmog. Finally dropped, squee! Got to level 53, kill total is at 5,279.
Side projects...
Pacifist Gentlesoul (Priest) got to level 50. Not sure what zone she'll end up in next or what have you.
Soulmend - Resto Druid, Night Elf
This is a Blood Thirsty challenger that I am trying to get to level 100 in just her starting gear. Going well so far, taking it very slow. Got to level 23 this week with a kill total of 1,510.
Soulglaive - Vengeance Demon Hunter, Blood Elf
Okay this level was a real struggle. When I first started out the mobs where I was grinding were giving me 342 xp. There was much sadness at the slowness this level was going to bring. Toughed it out, finally got far enough through 101 to get the mobs in the zone to flip over to 101 as well and then the xp got better. Kills started giving me 1,100 xp and the back side of the level went really quick so am now sitting at level 102 with 4,486 kills.