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The Pandaren & The Wandering Isle

The rules state that Blood Thirsty characters can't do quests. So, can Pandaren even be Blood Thirsty Challengers?

Pandaren most certainly can be Blood Thirsty Challengers, so if you want to play a fluffy bear by all mean go for it. There are exceptions to the no questing rule for those races that are trapped in starting zones whose only way out is to quest. Pandas, Goblins, and Worgen are allowed to quest until they have achieved sweet, sweet freedom of their respective starting zones. Once you are free though, the questing stops, and you'll have to begin your grindfest.

How do you know how far you can quest? Simple. Under the rules for the Blood Thirsty Challenge there is a link that will take you to the "Quests Allowed Page". If you have read the rules on the website you will already know this. For those that may have missed it here you go: Allowed Quests.

Questing can have its own share of dangers and the quests on The Wandering Isle are no exception. We all know anything stupid can happen at any given time, we are WoW Challengers after all. One quest that might not seem dangerous to someone who is in a rush to be free of the starting zone and get their toon signed up on the site is "Dafeng, the Spirit of Air". The quest starts out simple enough, as Aysa Cloudsinger asks you to go to the Chamber of Whispers where the wind spirit is currently hiding, adding that she and Ji will meet up with you there. The only thing on your mind is getting to the Chamber of Whispers to help out Dafeng as fast as possible. You run up the steps, and Aysa suddenly chases you down and rambles on about something you ignore, because it's just flavor text. Then you run forward and... die...

While you are sitting there staring at your screen in disbelief that some clouds and a breeze just killed you, you finally read your chat box and see that Aysa was telling you to wait for the winds to die down. Guys, I know you are in a hurry but trust me, the winds hurt and will kill you. You need to wait for Aysa, take your cue from her. When she starts to run forward then run behind her, don't lag too far behind. If you wait to long to run after her, the winds will pick back up and splat, a dead panda challenger you will be. Half way through your run, you'll find Aysa waiting for you. Same deal, take your cue from her. You will need to wait again for the winds to die down before running the last bit to get to the air spirit. In fact while writing this I saw the same panda die in front of me several times because they did not wait.

There are maybe two or three other spots that could end your progress towards getting out but those should be a bit more obvious. Like, "hey fire hurts, don't run over the fire shooting up out of the ground on your way to help out the fire spirit." Or "oh look a giant ass lizard that Aysa is fighting by herself, this will be easy!" Pay attention to what Aysa is saying during the fight, she is actually trying to help you by giving you warnings for stuff that is going to hurt you. She doesn't do it constantly though, so once she tells you what to watch out for, you need to be on your toes and not zone out thinking she'll warn you again to get out of the way.

Before leaving the Wandering Isle you'll be asked to make a choice you have not had to make on any of the other classes thus far. What faction do you want to side with? Horde or Alliance? That truly is only a choice you can make. You may complete the quest "A New Fate" but after that it's time to grind!

So remember Blood Thirsty Challengers, to stay alert while questing and this race is one of the few allowed to do so in their starting area.

Challenge onward and challenge safely! Good luck out there!

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