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Update: Week of November 13th

This past week has been pretty busy. The hours are starting to accumulate on the Blood Thirsty toons, so it will be taking a bit longer to get them leveled. Russell (the husband) and I have been trying to come up with icons for my Twitch subscribers. We have one done so far, need to come up with two more. Also trying to figure out the names of my subscription tiers. I have a name picked out for the top tier already, so if you all have any ideas feel free to shoot them my way. Going with a sock puppet theme on the tier names.

Well let's get to it shall we?

Soulfulpaw - Night Elf, Druid

Level 61 brought us to Nagrand. Probably a little early but we were okay. Picked up an off hand and a one handed weapon that were actually an upgrade over the staff I had been using and came with the added bonus of being new transmog pieces to learn so yay! No major problems this level and we are now sitting at level 62 with a kill total thus far of 8,119.

Tidalsoul - Dwarf, Resto Shaman

At level 26 I was still in Arathi Highlands and will be for a little bit longer. She is doing just fine holding her own there. Rares as always are hit or miss out there and lately I seem to just keep missing them being up. Probably a good thing that I miss them up so much though as I don't want to get dependent on them. As I get higher those rares will probably become more dangerous. Even more so when the level scaling hits. Level 27 was reached with a kill total of 1,426.

Tatteredsoul - Dwarf, Frost Mage

Level 20 brought us to Iron Forge so we could hit the Auction House and learn our riding. After those tasks were taken care off it was off to wetlands with us, where the great gnoll bashing began for this toon. Let me say i am loving the new flurry animation. It looks awesome and sounds great with the ice crackling sounds they added to it. Good job blizz. I did manage to catch the rare gnoll up at one of the camps for which sheep came in very handy. I did have a tiny close call but ended up being just fine. She is now level 21 with 786 total kills.

Soulsnuffer - Gnome, Disc Priest

This is another one bumming around Arathi Highlands, trying to snuff out every soul possible. I've done the normal rare spot checking on her like the others that come out here. I don't venture into the two small farms though. Things can go south real fast in there. The only toon I would feel okay about taking down in there would be a hunters. She dinged level 25 with 1,437 souls snuffed out so far.

Soulshield - Spacegoat, Ret Pally

This was a big level for her, at level 68 she waved good bye to everyone in SW and embarked on the journey to Northrend. Promptly on arrival she hopped on her flying mount while still on the boat and her flying mount gracefully jumped into the air and then plummeted into the frigid icy waters of Northrend. I kinda forgot up to that moment that Northrend flying had not yet been learned yet. At least we landed in the water, right? So, first time in Northrend on an Alliance side toon. Learned that some horde pvp NPCs walked through where I had started leveling, yes I saw them in time, so I adjusted my grinding area accordingly. Managed to get the first level in Northrend for her in the books, hit level 69 with 11,620 kills.

Soulfist - Spacegoat, BM Monk

Yet another one exploring Arathi Highlands, though most likely only one more level to go there before moving on to another zone. I have been using Brew Master spec for a bit now and while I'm not sure what to expect from it as I get higher in levels, so far it's been pretty good. Even two shotted a few things this time out and at this level that surprised me. Level 28 has been reached with 1, 762 kills

Soulstorm - Night Elf, Prot Warrior

So for reasons that I can not explain our internet dropped on me while yet again in Felwood. This of course caused the death of Soulstorm at level 43. Felwood and I are currently not on speaking terms.

Trollursoul - Troll, Prot Warrior

So I felt that either Felwood was trolling me or my internet was with the d/c so thus came the inspiration for the replacement warriors name. Went horde to change things up a bit this time. She is now level ten and on the list and soon to be changed into prot spec.

Soulshot - Gnome, BM Hunter

Level 64 and still in Nagrand, probably will be for awhile yet. Actually was up killing some elementals above Throne of Elements for a bit until some 110s showed up and started one shotting everything. In the end, I ended up over by Oshu'gun killing mobs down there and collecting the crystals off the ground. They don't sell for much but hey, there's always the vendor, right? Is now level 65 with 9,177 kills.

Soulsapped - Gnome, Outlaw Rogue

Had another level in Blasted Lands with about three more to go. Wandered around a bit killing different things since it was super busy . This level didn't feel as slow as past level though. Managed to get to level 55 with 5,668 kills.

Soulstoned - Dwarf, Dest Lock

For some reason leveling this one feels like time comes to a stop. Not sure why, just feels like it takes forever and a week to get anywhere with her. Slowly I managed to make it to level 62 with 7,849 kills.

Side Projects.....

Soulmend - Night Elf, Resto Druid

So this is the druid that I'm working on as a Blood Thirsty Challenger in just her starting gear, trying to get to level 100. She's got heals but things are starting to hit a bit harder so she will need to be handled with great care. She is in Arathi Highlands, probably took her there a level too soon but she is still alive and well. She is now at level 25 with 1,702 kills.

Soulglaive - Blood Elf, Veng Demon Hunter

This one... talk about slowly being driven to madness. I'm making progress, just really slow progress. Had to work on this one over two days this week. Took about four hours but managed to reach level 104 with 5,760 kills. Got a few green pieces of gear to drop.

And lastly....

Pacifist Gentlesoul - Gnome, Disc Priest

So managed to hit level 51 finally with the help of some Darkmoon Fair profession quests and the WoW Anniversary trivia quests and cooking/fishing dailies. Going to give the Pilgrims Bounty stuff a look see but not sure about those just yet.

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