Here we are guys, uncharted waters. The Horde side starting zones. While I have done a couple of the horde races as Blood Thirsty Challengers, I have not done them all. Honestly I can't even recall the last time I tried to play an Orc. Might have been back in Burning Crusade or Cata. So let the exploring begin....
After zoning in and getting my bars and addons settled, I started to look around at my options. Behind me, past the training dummies there are some level 1 to 2 yellow (neutral) Northwatch Scouts. Those mobs seem like a good starting point because hey they are humanoids, so let's get the money train started. Killing these mobs wasn't so bad, they were dropping between 1 and 5 Copper for the most part and one of them dropped a 6 slot bag for me. Free bags are awesome! I farmed these scouts until I hit level 3.
I then headed north towards The Burning Blade Coven where I found some Vile Familiars that were levels 3 and 4. These mobs didn't drop any vendor trash but I was getting between 1 and 3 copper a kill and money is money. Kept farming these guys till level 5.
Level 5 signaled the time to head out into Durotar and begin the trek to Razor Hill. Seeing boars along the road on the way there I did the only thing any Blood Thirsty would do and killed them. Free food to be had in the Tough Jerky they were dropping. Do watch out for some Clattering Scorpids mixed in as well since these are hostile. With Razor Hill in view I passed by Tiragarde Keep. I was going to just skip it and head for Razor Hill first, but I changed my mind and wandered to give a look see. The humanoids outside the keep seem to range from 6 to 7. I did not go inside, as I don't like being in tight spaces on challengers when I do not need to be. These mobs started dropping linen other various vendor trash items. I did not hang around there long though, the damage was a bit much for the way I was geared.
Once Razor Hill is reached, don't forget to change your hearthstone, unless you really want to run back from Valley of Trials. Now would be a good time to clean up your bags and buy another if you have the money to do so. There is a general goods vendor in the Razor Hill Barracks building along side the First Aid Trainer.
Heading out from Razor Hill on a mission to hit level ten, I kept to the right of the road. Plenty of boars, scorpids and raptors to go after while heading towards Orgrimmar. I then turned to the left when I got closer to the buildings that sit in front of Orgrimmar's gates and headed down into Razorwind Canyon and farmed Harpies. They were dropping money and cloth so it's hard to turn that down. Also came across a Sturdy Treasure Chest that gave me 800ish xp and a green two handed axe. I just basically farmed the harpies till I hit level ten. There are plenty of mobs around if you get tired of farming in this exact spot.
That's pretty much it for the Orcs. Next starting zone write up for the Horde will be the Blood Elves. Until next time stay safe out there challengers!