Sorry about no update last week. I am probably going to be doing them every two weeks, unless something major happens. Enough mucking about let's get to it....
Blood Thirsty........
Soulfulpaw - Night Elf, Bal Druid
This one was leveled on stream out in Nagrand. Spent this level farming Void Spawns and other mobs down around Oshu'gun. Picked up a bit of netherweave cloth that was sent off to my main and got a few green upgrades as well to drop.(Yes, Blood Thirsty toons can wear greens) She is now level 64, so I've got about 4 more levels of grinding in Outlands to go before I can safely move onto Northrend. Her total kills are sitting at 8,892.
Tidalsoul - Dwarf, Resto Shaman
Started out in Arathi Highlands for a few minutes. Checked on two rares and since they were not up, I packed up my bags and headed on over to The Hinterlands. Grabbed the Aerie Peak flight point, killed a few wolves and headed over to Storm Feather Outpost. Made sure the hearthstone got changed and picked up the flight point there as well before beginning the great egg collection of 2017. The owlbeasts out here drop small eggs, money, and cloth so a three way win for me. Going to be here grinding for a good while. Made it to level 29 and now have 1,587 total kills.
Tatteredsoul - Dwarf, Frost Mage
Spent this level once again in Wetlands farming gnolls because you know, cloth and money. I did have a Tiny Crimson Whelping drop, hopefully I can get it to sell, time will tell. Got to level 23 and have 965 total kills.
Soulsnuffer - Gnome, Disc Priest
Ah yes running through Arathi Highlands snuffing out souls left, right and center. I did manage to get the rare buzzard just after I leveled up of course but that's fine, just means a small head start on the next level. Had a few greens drop to put up on AH and we are now level 27 with 1,630 total kills.
Soulshield - Space Goat, Ret Pally
She has settled into Northrend pretty well so far. Tried to change leveling areas and headed over to Grizzly Hills but that was still a bit too high, so back to Dragonblight it was. Ended up staying at the ghost village up the hill from the harbor flight point. Got a few green drops, some frostweave, and some money so it worked out in the end. Hit level 71 and have 12,492 kills so far.
Soulfist - Space Goat, Brewmaster Monk
Hinterlands is where this one will be staying for awhile, grinding away on owlbeasts. Gotta love cloth, money and small egg drops this time of year. Plus we did manage to come across the rare bear and got that lovely 25g vendor trash item along with a nice chunk of xp. Level 30 has been reached with 1,940 kills.
Soulshot - Gnome, BM Hunter
So I got tired of being in Nagrand and the xp was a bit lower then I was hoping for at this stage in the game so since scaling has not hit yet I took myself up to Netherstorm. Found a nice humanoid spot so yay for continued money and cloth drops. Did come across a nasty looking gold dragon mob but that was easily avoided. Got a few green drops for Auction House and a new weapon as well. He hit level 67 so just one more level to go till he packs up and ventures to Northrend. Kill total thus far, 10,083.
Trollursoul - Troll, Prot Warrior
Continued the grind over in Silverpine. This level seemed to go pretty quickly and yes I know the low levels go quickly, guess I just have been spending more time on the higher level ones so I wasn't used to the quick level. Got to level 12 with 397 kills.
Soulsapped - Gnome, Outlaw Rogue
Another level spent in Blasted Lands taking down Naga, crabs and demons. No rares found up this time through but at least the anniversary event ended so I could go back to my normal grinding loops. Got to level 57 with a kill total of 6,087. Just one more level to go before this one can head to outlands.
Soulstoned - Dwarf, Dest Lock
Ahh yes the warlock.. slow as hell to level for me warlock. Right so spent this level in Nagrand yet again farming for netherweave. Was a pretty eventless level, no major issues. Got to level 64 with 8,608 total kills.
Special Projects...
Blood Thirsty Soulglaive - Veng, Demon Hunter
Hopped around a little bit this level. Kinda wanted a new grinding spot but in the end I just ended up back in the same spot I've been in. A couple of gear upgrades dropped so that was nice. Level 105 has been reached and her kills are at 6,373.
Blood Thirsty Soulmend - Resto, Druid
So this is the druid I'm running in just her starting gear trying to reach level 100. So far so good. Taking things as slow and steady as possible with her. Really glad for all the healing spells because things are hitting a bit hard. Spent the level in Arathi Highlands and reached level 27 with a kill total of 1,934.
Blood Thirsty Mybloodysoul - Blood Elf, Death Knight
So somehow I got talked into doing this one (looking at you Leeta). Going fairly well, currently killing things in Zangermarsh in Outlands. Managed to reach level 59 with 593 kills(oh my gosh feels so weird saying that low of a number on her for the level).
Pacifist Gentlesoul - Gnome, Priest
Not much happened with her. She has been taking it easy bumming around Stormwind, enjoying the anniversary trivia contest, fishing and cooking dailies. Got to level 53.