All right guys, sorry for the delay on this, I have been busy and life kept getting in the way, so let's get to it....
Now the Undead are not one of the exceptions to the no questing rule but you do need to accept a quest in order to stand up from your dead position on the ground. Don't panic, accepting the quest doesn't mean it will count against you in this case. Just accept the quest called "Fresh out of the Grave", then once you are standing go ahead and abandon it. Do NOT turn it in. If you turn it in then it will count against you.
This will leave you able to commence the killing spree. There are some level 1 Mindless Zombies running about right where you zone in. You can start killing these or move down towards Deathknell. I personally prefer to head down to Deathknell and start murdering things down there.
The Wretched Ghouls and Rattlecage Skeletons will drop copper so killing those can help get your starting cash going. There are also spiders, wolves, and bats if you prefer to kill those. Just kill whatever strikes your fancy really all the mobs I came across were neutral here so have fun. Once I hit level 5 it's time to go to Tirisfal Glades.
Tirisfal Glades is sort of like the horde version of Loch Modan. Lots of rares can be had here and they are scattered about so going after those will speed things along a bit, perhaps get you a few free bags, and maybe a piece of gear you can wear because don't forget Blood Thirsty challengers can wear greens!
Tirisfal Glades is actually a pretty big zone and lots of ground to cover. I try to focus on humanoids when I'm just starting out when possible because starter money, cloth to get the first aid going and hopefully some gear might drop. There are so many rares here you'd probably be better off googling rares in Tirisfal Glades to get a map of where they are.
I did head for Solliden Farmstead to start off with and did catch a rare spider up there and got a 6 slot bag to drop. Next on my stop was Crusader's Outpost where I found another rare, a bird flying around the top of the tower, went up the tower to be in range to pull him. The bird gave me another 6 slot bag.
After that I headed north towards Agamand Mills there is a rare dog on the hill just above Calston Estate, so don't forget to check for him. I did find a silverbound chest up on a cliff near a windmill at Agamand Mills didn't get much out of it but I did get xp for opening it. Also found a rare Tormented Spirit wandering around up there as well as a rare wolf Nighthowl.
Next stop was Garren's Haunt, found a rare dog in a barn, got another bag. The gnolls here were dropping a bit of cloth. After a bit of killing here I headed for Brill to offload my bags and change my hearth. From there I stopped by Cold Hearth Manor and got the rare bat that was in the field.
To finish up the zone I headed over to Balnir Farmstead murdering everything in sight over there. The rare in the barn was up so yay for extra xp there.
Again this was just how I took on the zone, by no means is this the only way to take on the zone. Just find what works for you best. Don't forget to look up a map for the rares in this zone because who doesn't love rares and all that lovely xp they bring to the party!
Until next time challenge safely and have fun out there. Next starting zone will be the Tauren!