Well guys going to wrap up the last two starting zones together in one post here. The posts for the level 10 zones and up will start when patch 7.3.5 drops, which there are rumors of it dropping on Jan. 16th. We'll see, it still feels a little soon to me.

The Goblins: Kezan & The Lost Isles. The Goblins are one of the races that fall into the quest exception rule for the Blood Thirsty Challenge, since you are trapped in that starting and must quest to get out. You are allowed to complete quests up to and including Message for Saurfang.
It's pretty straight forward here and not a whole lot to note about the goblin starting area. One of the most troublesome quests are you likely to deal with is the one involving the giant turtle in the volcano. He will cast a really nasty breath spell at you and if it hits you, will take at least half your life if not kill you. There are some rock formations to either side of the entrance to where the turtle is though. This is where you need to pull from your skill pool of playing WoW. Use those rock formations on the left and right of the cave opening as cover(L.O.S) from the breath weapon. You will see it takes a few seconds for him to cast it. As soon as he starts to cast it move your butt behind cover and you'll be just fine. That is really the only quest that could be being really troublesome for a lot of people. The only other thing to really watch for is the priest trainer at KTC Headquarters. She will cast Power Word: Fortitude when you run by her. It's going to drive you nuts but just click it off, it is removable.

The Trolls: Echo Isles & Durotar. The trolls are NOT part of the quest exception race/class list so sorry buttercup you are grinding here from the get go. It's not all bad though, Trolls have a racial ability called Beast Slaying which gives them a 20% experience increase on beast kills.
The level 1-5 starting area for the Trolls it not real big so I usually just chase down all the beasts I can find to get to level 5 as fast as I can. As soon as I hit level 5 it's time to swim to the Durotar shoreand the village of Sen'jin.
Sen'jin Village isn't all that remarkable but there are some vendors and a flight point. It's a good starting off point at level 5, plenty of beasts hanging around here. I stay here still say maybe level 7 before heading towards Razor Hill and the higher level mobs. Since your feet be tired mon, you can talk to the flight master here and catch a ride up to Razor Hill.
At Razor Hill, don't forget to change your hearthstone and pick up your First Aid. That trainer as well as a general goods vendor (sells 6 & 8 slot bags) can be found in the big building with wood surrounding the entrance and Horde flags outside of it. From here I just focus on killing mostly beasts to take advantage of that Beast Slaying passive. I will pick up a few harpies down towards Orgrimmar, just to try to get a few pieces of cloth to get the First Aid started. So, I will just keep making some loops towards Orgrimmar from Razor Hill till I hit level ten. That's pretty much it. At level ten where you go will really be up to you.
When the patch does hit I will be running a new toon for a week or two, just to get the feel of the patch changes and increased difficulty that may be there. Once that happens I'll go into where I prefer to go at level ten and onward, while touching on some of the other zones around those level ranges and why I choose not to go there.
I'll see you soon guys! Take care and be safe out there, remember if something in your gut feels like this is a dumb idea, you might want to pause and reevaluate what you are doing, before proceeding. Good Luck!