Hello everyone! Sorry long time, no update here, life went sideways on me. I promise to try to do better about getting things updated here as well as adding to the Blood Thirsty Guide on here as well.
Now there have been a lot of changes added in since we last sat down and had a chat. Combat now takes a bit longer and therefore it's rather difficult to get through the bulk of the Bloods I have right now in a week, so I will be focusing on trying to get through about 5 or six a week, time permitting.
Without further ado here is your Blood Thirsty Challenge update for Feb. 13th, 2019.
Bloominsoul (Resto Druid)
This level was pretty clean, no close calls. I have moved her out to the Wetlands and am grinding on some of the gnolls out there near the windmill. Since I'm Resto and being extra careful about pre hotting before a fight I have noticed her time per level is a little bit more the some of the other classes.
She made it to level 26 with a /played time of 22 hours, 36 minutes, and 32 seconds. Total kills as of level 26 are 1,552.
Renewedsoul (Holy Priest)
This is the Holy Priest project I started running. I wanted to get a feel for how a Blood Thirsty Holy Priest would run vs. a Disc. Priest since Holy will not have a shield to utilize. So far it's been pretty good. I have been trying to keep renew running while in combat and tapping Flash Heal where needed. She has been able to handle the rares down in Loch Modan thus far.
She made it to level 17 with a /played time of 9 hours, 4 minutes, and 3 seconds. Total kills as of level 17 are 639.
Soulshield (Ret Pally)
Soulshield feels like she should be a family member with as long as she's been kicking around. She is my oldest challenger having come to life towards the end of Warlords. I currently have this one grinding away in BfA. The levels sure are long in the current expansion. No close calls this level and where I am grinding there are only a few red mobs I need to worry about which is good. I have been getting roughly close to a thousand gold worth of vendor trash per level where I am grinding.
She made it to level 116 with a /played time of 14 days, 8 hours, 47 minutes and 5 seconds. Total kills are currently at 39,986.
Soulfulpaw (Bal Druid)
She is grinding away in Uldum currently. I really like this grind loop I have figured out here. I can get just shy of 25% of a level in one loop. Now that loop can take me a little bit but it helps knowing I will not have to do many loops there.
She made it to level 87 with a /played time of 7 days, 14 hours, 19 minutes and 46 seconds. Total kills so far are at 19,770.
Soulsnuffer (Disc Priest)
This one wrapped up her adventures in the vanilla zones tonight. No close calls but she does take a few hours to get through a level right now and it will only surely increase as time goes on. I did get a blue world drop this level that I hope to be able to sell for something on AH.
She made it to level 58 with a /played time of 4 days, 5 hours, 24 minutes, and 42 seconds. Total kills are now at 7,656.
Soulshot (BM Hunter)
This guy is currently tooling around in Shadowmoon Valley in Warlords. He did have a couple of greens drop this week, breaking last weeks green drop drought. I am not a fan of grinding in Warlords, it just feels extra sloggy there to me.
He made it to level 94 with a /played of 8 days, 20 hours, 52 minutes and 29 seconds. Total kills are currently sitting at 23,000.
Blood Team Soul Patrol (Dual Boxing Priest/Rogue)
Blood Teams are a new challenge that as been added in. Most normal people will pick a friend so play on a team with. Xortzthegoblin and I were trying to do a Blood Thirsty Team. Due to schedules and time constraints that ended up falling by the way side, so I ended up starting my own Blood Thirsty Team. You cannot be a team of one so I have the husband's account on auto follow to mine to be able to do this. I am not running a key broadcaster so this is old school, low budget dual boxing going on here. The lead account is the one doing all the work and all the looting right now. I did have a heart stopping moment when I got realm shifted to a different shard and was surrounded by spiders and raptors. I got them both through it without issue but it's not something I enjoy happening.
I got Soulseeker(lead Priest) and Soulfulstep(follower Rogue) up to level 29 with a /played time of 2 days, 21 hours, 11 minutes, and 5 seconds. Total kills to date are 4,854.