This week while leveling up, I did loose Blood Thirsty Soulshot, my little male gnome hunter. I will be re-rolling a new hunter shortly. There will be no update next week as I will be out of town.
Bloominsoul (Resto Druid)
The Resto Druid is moving right along. She is currently leveling in Arathi Highlands and seems to be handling the mobs there just fine. Leveling on her has felt a little slower then some of the other specs, mostly due to the fact that I am making sure I have my HOTs (Heals Over Time or Healing dots) running before entering combat. She made it to level 27 this week with a /played time of 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 49 seconds. Total kills are at 1,661.
Renewedsoul (Holy Priest)
The Holy Priest project still feels pretty good. Have not had any real issues with her yet. I am trying to make sure Renew is up and running before pulling to give me a slight buffer and time to cast Flash Heal if/when I need it. She is currently still in Loch Modan and may stay one more level. Level 18 was reached this week with a /played time of 10 hours, 7 minutes, and 37 seconds. Her total kills are currently sitting at 759.
Soulshield (Ret Pally)
This is my big girl who has been around so long she could be considered part of the family by now. The leveling on her is entering the ten plus hours stage but this was expected based of the leveling time of my Demon Hunter (Soldmysoul). I seem to be averaging just under 800 gold in vendor trash per level at my current grinding location which is not too shabby. This week she made it to level 117 with a /played time of 14 days, 20 hours, 3 minutes, and 57 seconds. Her total kills broke the 40 thousand mark this week and now stand at 40,697.
Soulfulpaw (Bal Druid)
Still enjoying this leveling loop I have in Uldum. I can get about 25% of a level in one run through. I did manage to kill Cyrus the Black (rare that fears) however it was a bit scary since he did fear me, I had to really stay on my toes for that fight. She made it to level 88 with a /played of 7 days, 17 hours, 53 minutes and 30 seconds. Her total kills are currently at 20,253.
Soulsnuffer (Disc Priest)
This was a big week for Soulsnuffer. She was moved from Blasted Lands to Zangermarsh in Outlands. Her level went by in pretty good order. She is currently grinding in the Deadmire. There is some competition for the Bog Lords and Hydra mobs but the very back edge of the area has plenty of crocodile type mobs that no one seems to bother with so bonus! Level 59 was reached this week with a /played time of 4 days, 8 hours, 27 minutes, and 43 seconds. Her total kills are currently at 7,851.
Team "Soul Patrol" (Priest/Rogue)
Blood Thirsty Teams are still a pretty new challenge available. Similar to Iron Teams you can group up with a maxium of five people and grind your way to max level. You cannot be a team of one so I am using our second account to be my Blood Team partner and have the Rogue on auto follow. I didn't want to muddy things up with a key broadcaster just yet. Unlike Blood Thirsty Solo, Blood Thirsty Team character can not wear green gear. You need to stick to grey/white gear. This week the team might have just finished out their time in Arathi Highlands by reaching level 30 with a /played time of 3 days, 1 hour, 31 minutes, and 17 seconds. Total kills for the team are at 5,123.
Don't forget I do stream the last few bars of leveling up my Blood Thirsty Challenge characters on Wed. nights on Twitch. Keep an eye on my Twitter for I post when I am going live! Again, no leveling will be taking place this coming week as I'll be out of town. See everyone soon, take care and stay safe!