Once I reach level 10 I have two places I like to pick from. The first zone I like to grind in is Loch Modan. If you are on a class that you feel pretty confident taking on rare mobs with then this is the zone for you. Your luck at finding the rares up in this zone will depend on how busy this zone is for you. If you are on a normal server it may be a harder to find them up. I have found that the low pop RP servers seem to have a good number of rares up.
First off, once you arrive in the zone, don't forget to grab the flight point and to change your hearthstone. Before heading off it might be a good idea to make sure you've emptied out your bags. If you need some more bag space and have the funds, there is a general goods vendor in the inn. All set now? Good. Let's get started shall we?

Leaving the inn, I head across the road towards where there is a gnoll camp. You will most likely need to kill your way through a few mobs to get to this camp. Standing in front of the hut in the camp is a rare gnoll named Sagepaw. One time I did find a chest around the hut. Blood Thirsty challengers can open chests up to and including Cata zones. Chests found in Pandaria and up are a no go. Some of them count as quests completed and will go against you tiny quests not allowed buffer before being flagged, so no touchy!

Next, I'll head down the hill towards the kobolds, where the cave is that houses the named quest mob Commander Nazrim. Outside of the cave, usually pacing around near a camp fire will be a rare kobold named Kubb. Sometimes he can hit a little hard so be ready for it. He also does have a tendency to run. Make sure you've given yourself a little bit of room to handle him so he doesn't run into other mobs and bring more friends to this party.

Moving along, I'll head back towards the main road and pick up the side road down to the Silver Stream Mine. Before taking this side road, you may want to do a back space check. If you are in need of a vendor there should be one located at Algaz Station. If there is not one outside then check in the building, entrance is around the side.
After a bag check, I'll take that side road down to the mine. I do NOT go in the mine. I am heading for the hut that is located just past the campfire in front of the mine. You'll need to kill some kobolds to get there safely. Inside the hut lives the rare kobold Grizlak. Now he can hit pretty hard at times, keep this in mind if you are running a class that cannot heal themselves.

From there I will head toward the cliff above the muddy area of the loch. There is a small drop down that you can take to get down safely, be prepared though for your first hostile mob encounter down there happens pretty close to where you jump down.
After I am down in the muddy area, I'll kill my way towards the small dock and house belonging to the fishing trainer(black dot on the map). This is where you'll want to do another bag space check since there is a vendor here.
This area approaching the fishing trainer has lots of murlocs. You may want to make sure you have NPC nameplates on because some of them do patrol at a run and it will make them easier to spot.
Now that I've made some bag space, it's time to continue onward past the murloc camps (killing as you go of course) and up a small hill heading towards where the buzzards and crocolisks hang out.
While killing your way through the murlocs, keep you eyes open for a white colored murloc named Whitefin. He'll patrol through the murloc camps around the edge of the water.

After getting up to where the buzzards and crocolisks are, I'll kill my way up the small hill there to the small flat area that has a few crocks milling around. On this plateau if he's up you'll find the rare crocolisk Gosh-Haldir.
From here I'll now kill my way up to where the dwarves are by the cart. Those guys are there for a protection quest. If someone has triggered this quest, wait for them to finish it. The mobs that this quest spawns in will target you if you are too close and one of them is named and can hit a bit hard.
Now that the coast is clear and no one is working on that quest, I'll run up the pathway by the torch and head up to the cave near where scroll three can be found. Remember Blood Thirsty can't quest, I'm just using the scroll as a reference point. In that cave you can find a rare spider by the name of Shanda the Spinner.

After checking on the rare spider, I'll drop down the side of the hill there near the scroll and head on over to the excavation site. There is a vendor here so it's a good time for a bag space check.
In the excavation site you can find a rare trogg patrolling by the name of Boss Galgosh. I have also from time to time found a chest near the scroll quest that is picked up here as well, so might be worth it to check to see if it's up.

Next, it's time to head up the big hill behind the excavation site. As I kill my way through the Bob Cats, I'll keep my eyes scanning the sky for the rare buzzard, Lord Condar. He is a black and white looking buzzard so he'll tend to stick out like a sore thumb flying around the golden eagles. He patrols from down near the cave with the robotic chickens and such up to the area below Farstrider Lodge.
I'll also take a few minutes to hang out at the mouth of robotic chicken cave to see if Optimo is up. He is the rare mechanostrider that spawns at the entrance and then runs through the cave and back to the entrance. If you stand here for a few minutes and he happens to be up he should run right into you without you having to enter too far in.

Next, I'll make my way up to Farstrider Lodge and do another bag space / repair check with the vendors up there. After that, I will head down the road and head into the area where all the bears and foxes are milling about. It's here where I find the rare fox Ashtail patrolling through all the mobs in a big circle. He's pretty easy to spot as he is a light blueish color and moves at a slower steady pace then other mobs in this area.

After checking for Ashtail, I'll move onto the Mo'grosh Stronghold. This is the Ogre area just to the north of where Ashtail hangs around.
Patrolling through this area is a rare Ogre by the name of Emogg the Crusher. He'll stick out due to the fact his armor is a dark reddish color and he's the only one that is full on patrolling the area. The other ogres in there don't move much.

After leaving the Ogre Stronghold area, I'll cross the road and head towards the cultist camp.
These mobs can respawn fairly quickly so you may not want to loot them until you are ready to leave this area.
In the back of the camp, in a building behind the big wheel quest item is a rare cultist by the name of Geoshaper Maren. This one might be harder to catch up since she is right there next to a quest item.

After leaving the cultist camp, I'll head over to the area another quest scroll can be found in the middle of a bunch of marsh wasps and boars. Again bloods can not quest so don't pick up the scroll. I am just using it as a reference point.
Here is where I will check to see if the rare marsh wasp Nix is up. He'll be pretty easy to recognize as his body is a blue and yellow color and none of the other wasps in that area are blue.

After checking on Nix, I'll head back through where Gosh-Haldir can be found and make my way up and out of the lower area of the Loch and up towards another scroll location.
The ramp that takes you up to a quest mob and another scroll location has a rare that patrols this area.
It's a rare dwarf by the name of Morick Darkbrew. Fighting him might give you the drunk and blurry screen at times so just something to be aware of and not to get too upset about.

After checking on the rare dwarf, it's time to head in the trogg area. You can get there easily through a back entrance just past the ramp where the dwarf hangs out.
In this area you are looking for a greenish trogg named Magosh. He is usually hanging out near a small stone outcropping. He does tend to drop a searing totem so you may want to attack that when it shows up to lessen the damage incoming.
With that I'll head back to the inn in Thelsamar and that completes my loop through Loch Modan. This loop is just rinse and repeat till level 20.