Sorry for no post last week, completely forgot to do it since I was not feeling well. Anyhow let's get on with this week's update!
Renewedsoul - Holy Priest
Managed to get a few rares this level and surprisingly she is still handling rares pretty well. This was her last level in Loch Modan. She did reach level 20 and will be learning how to ride and moving to Wetlands for the next level.
Total kills so far 916.
Soulfulpaw - Bal Druid
She also reached the milestone level of 90 this week! Next week she'll be moving out to WoD's Shadowmoon Valley.
Total kills so far 21,281.
Soulsnuffer - Disc Priest
She is enjoying her time in Outlands so far. Flying has been acquired. She made it to level 61 this week. Total kills so far 8,282.
Soulfist - Brewmaster Monk
I dusted this one off since the Blood Team will not be making an appearance for a couple of weeks until I get some more game time for the second account. I'm a little rusty with brew master right now or changes were made awhile ago and I missed reading about them but I managed to stumble my way through this level and got her to 42. Total kills so far 4,243.
Soulshield - Ret Pally
All right my oldest living Blood Thirsty is still plugging away, grinding her fingers to the bone out in Fox Hollow Woods in Tiraguard Sound. She has made it to level 119! Only one more level to go! Total kills so far 42,116. I might just break 43 thousand kills next level, maybe.