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Blood Thirsty Update 4/4/19

Sorry about no update last week, life got hectic again. Fear not for here is this week's update in case you missed the live stream!

Soulhorn - Guardian Druid

All right, this one has not seen much daylight as of late due to simply not enough time in the day. She is one of my allied races that I am leveling and trying to give bear form a fair shake to see how it feels as a Blood Thirsty Challenge spec. So far, so good but then again she is still a baby blood. I am currently leveling her in Hillsbrad. She can hold her own against the few rares that I have felt brave enough to go toe to toe with so it's encouraging so far. This week she made it to level 26 with a /played time of 9 hours, 20 minutes, and 14 seconds. Her total kill count is currently sitting at 737.

Bloominsoul - Resto Druid

This is another one of those druid specs I'm trying out as a blood thirsty and so far so good as long as I make sure I pre H.O.T. myself before the fight starts. She is currently leveling in Arathi Highlands and probably has two more levels to spend there before moving on. She made it to level 28 this week with a /played time of 1 day, 3 hours, 29 minutes, and 57 seconds. Her total kill count is sitting at 1,756.

Renewedsoul - Holy Priest

This is my Holy Priest project. I just wanted to see how well holy can handle the Blood Thirsty Challenge since for a while Disc seemed so strong. So far I must say things seem to be going well, though she is still a baby blood. She is currently getting to know the gnolls of Wetlands rather well. She made it to level 23 this week with a /played time of 17 hours, and 20 minutes. Her current kill count sits at 1,335.

Soulstoned - Destro Lock

Ahh the current thorn in my side. I do not know why, but she feels so heckin slow to level. She probably isn't really leveling all that slow in reality but it just feels like I am treading water with her but I am not giving up on her yet, we've come this far together might as well see it through to the end. She is still doing laps out in Sindragosa's falls in Ice Crown. This week she made it to level 74 with a /played time of 6 days, 6 minutes, and 26 seconds. Her current kill count is sitting at 13,093.

Tidalsoul - Resto Shaman

Notice a trend? I like to play healers, so sue me, no wait don't I am broke and the only thing you'll get is a box of crayons probably. She is still tooling around the lake next to Dreamer's Rest grinding away in hopes of getting a whelp to sell to try to get the blood team account back up and running. She did get one to drop this level now to wait and see if it sells. She is now level 44 with a /played time of 2 days, 13 minutes, and 35 seconds. Her kill count is currently 4,263.

Soulsnuffer - Disc Priest

This little scrappy one is still hanging in there and enjoying Dragonblight thus far. She is now level 64 with a /played time of 4 days, 22 hours, 17 minutes, and 29 seconds. Her kill count is currently 8,974.

Soulfist - Mistweaver Monk

The formerly Brewmaster Monk is still having fun playing in the snowy hills of Winterspring. No blue whelp drops for her as of yet but she has a few more levels of trying before she moves on to somewhere warmer. She reached level 45 this week with a /played time of 2 days, 8 hours, 58 minutes, and 8 seconds. Her kill count is currently 4,802.

Soulfulpaw - Balance Druid

All right so she is my highest currently non max challenger as this point in time, trying to catch up to Soulshield. She is putting in her time collecting fur in Shadowmoon Valley in Draenor. This week she made it to level 93 with a /played time of 8 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes, and 42 seconds. Her current kill count is sitting at 22,849.

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