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Blood Thirsty Update 4/17/19

Renewedsoul - Holy Priest

I think this one has finally had enough of romping through the mud in Wetlands. She is more then ready to move on to the next zone! This level went pretty well, Holy spec still feels pretty solid at the moment. This week she made it to level 25 with a /played of 20 hours, 31 minutes, and 37 seconds. Total kill count is sitting at 1,673.

Soulstoned - Destro Lock

Well, she may be slow to level, and might be a bit squishy sometimes but somehow she is still alive. The class's demon pets seems to be a bit stronger with the green gear then without. She is still doing laps in Icecrown and probably has another 4 to go. This week she got to level 76 with a /played time of 6 days, 8 hours, 56 minutes, and 44 seconds. Total kill count is 13,758.

Kneesee - BM Hunter

She is hanging out and doing laps in Loch Modan. You can follow along with her path there by checking out the level 10 - 20 alliance side leveling guide. She has been having trouble finding rares up due to it being so busy in that zone on normal servers. This week she made it to level 17 with a /played time 5 hours, 33 minutes, and 16 seconds. Total kills are at 411.

Soulsnuffer - Disc Priest

The Disc Priest is still doing pretty good. She is enjoying her time in Dragonblight so far and collecting a fair amount of Frostweave to send to my main. No major issues so far. This week she got to level 66 with a /played time of 5 days, 3 hours, and 47 seconds. Total kill count is currently 9,439.

Soulfist - MW Monk

Just three more levels and she will finally be able to thaw out in Blastedlands. Hopefully she makes it. Things have been going pretty well for her in Winterspring. No incredible drops but at least the xp has been kind. This week she made it to level 47 with a /played time of 2 days, 12 hours, 43 minutes and 17 seconds. Total kills are at 5,222.

Soulfulpaw - Bal Druid

So my current highest leveling, non max blood is hanging in there in Shadowmoon Valley in WoD. This expac is where the levels feel never ending for some reason, maybe it's just me though. So major issues were seen and this week she reached level 95 with a /played time of 9 days, 2 hours, 57 minutes and 33 seconds. Total kills are 23,958.

Tidalsoul - Resto Shaman

Halfway through this level I moved her out to Winterspring. It was time for her to move. She managed to get one whelp to drop last level but I still have yet to sell that one. She is hot on the heels of the monk reaching level 46 this week with a /played time of 2 days, 5 hours, 7 minutes and 42 seconds. Total kills are 4,571.

Blood Team "Soul Patrol" - Priest/Rogue

These two littles are most certainly a time sink at least from a dual boxing perspective. They spent this week killing ogres in Arathi and will probably be there for one more level. They reached level 34 this week with a /played time of 3 days, 21 hours, 56 minutes and 34 seconds. Total kills are at 6,373.

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