Sorry it took so long to get this one ready but I've been super busy but I think I've finally worked out a Horde side approach for these levels that works for me. So let's get on with it.
For the most part I play on the Alliance side. I do have a few Horde challengers but the majority are Alliance. From what I've seen of my travels around the Horde zones I feel that Tirisfal Glades might be the closest Horde version of Loch Modan. There are a good number of rares spread out over the zone. I still like Loch Modan better for rare hunting in the lower levels.
Again the info presented in these guides are just how I approach this challenge. Everyone has their own way of doing things. You do whatever feels more comfortable and works better for you. Not all classes can do all things so feel free to tailor this path to what works for your class.

Starting out from Brill, I'll follow along the road killing my way to Cold Hearth Manor. Here I'll check the farm field for a rare bat by the name of Ressan the Needler. Do be mindful of the fact that I have seen him silence before.

Leaving Cold Hearth Manor it's time to off road it for a little bit, killing my way up into the hills to see if Hibernus the Sleeper is there. He's a rare whitish bear that looks like he's seen better days.

After checking on Hibernus, I'll head northward towards the Calston Estate. Just slightly north of the Estate the rare demon dog Bayne can be found. Tip: There is also a repair vendor at the Estate. Might be a good time for a bag space check while passing by

From Calston Estate area, I'll head for the Solliden Farmstead. Here there is the possibility of finding the rare, Farmer Solliden and a rare magenta/purplish spider, Shadowstalker. I've found the farmer the most in the big barn building and the spider is normally in the smaller building across from the barn in the fireplace. Once in a while he'll glitch in there but I have been able to kill him no problem recently.

Next, I'll head just a bit west and check in at the tower near the coast. Above the tower there can be found a rare bird, Bonechewer. You'll most likely need to be at the top of the tower to pull him. Tread carefully, there are a good number of mobs in this area and in the tower itself.

After checking in at the tower, I'll backtrack slightly and then head down to the beach to check on the rare murloc, Maud. He is standing on the hill with a couple of murloc huts.

Okay, after checking on the murloc, I'll head north to Agamand Mills. Patrolling throughout the mill grounds there are two banshee like looking rares. The Lost Soul and the Tormented Soul. I'll just keep my eyes open for these as I'm passing through. They stick out like a sore thumb in a see of skeleton mobs. As I'm on the look out for them passing by, I'll head to the north west windmill. Along the northern side of it, back near some trees and bushes a rare wolf named Nighthowl can spawn. After that I'll start to make my way towards Garren's Haunt following the road.

When I get to Garren's Haunt, there is a barn to the right of the road. There you can find the rare ghostly demon dog, Plague. He is in one of the stalls laying down sleeping.

From Garren's Haunt, I'll head down to the old turtle shell near the end of the beach. Inside is the rare murloc Deeb, if he's up.

All right, now after checking on Deeb it's time to head southeast towards Venomweb Vale to check and see if the rare spider Sri'skulk is up.

Next, it's on to the Balnir Farmstead. Inside the barn is a rare called fellicent's Shade. Then it's time to head back to Brill and clean out my bags and either log off in the Inn or get ready to head out again.