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Blood Thirsty Update 5/3/19

Sorry for being a few days late with the update this week but hey at least I remembered at all! It's been a busy week so let's get on with it shall we?

Renewedsoul - Holy Priest

She is still hanging out in Arathi Highlands and probably will be for another couple of levels. Holy still feels decently solid but she is still a baby blood in my eyes still being under lvl 60. This week saw her reach level 27 with a /played of 22 hours, 43 minutes and 27 seconds. Her total kills are at 1,854.

Soulstoned - Destro Lock

She's still alive and still in Ice Crown, though the light at the end of the tunnel there is starting to gleam. Just two more levels to go there and then finally a new color pallet to look at it. It will be a joyous day indeed. This week she made it to level 78 with a /played time of 6 days, 16 hours, 31 minutes and 30 seconds. Her total kills are at 14,439.

Kneesee - BM Hunter

Okay, she is still in Loch Modan but not for very long. Which is good because the rares seem to be getting harder and harder to catch up on my server grouping...such sadness. Had a slight scare with her this week as while we were leveling up I started to lag badly and only noticed when my turtle was about 500 yards behind me. She reached level 19 with a /played of 7 hours, 21 minutes, and 39 seconds. Her total kills are at 562.

Soulsnuffer - Disc Priest

This level was a bit more uneventful, though my grinding area was a bit busier and there were a few max levels questing as well so I guess for either rep or maybe for Lore Master? I don't know but it hurt when they would tag my mobs and I'd go from 700 and something xp down to 38. Still she managed to get to level 68 with a /played time of 5 days, 9 hours, 33 minutes and 15 seconds. Her kill total is at 9,938.

Soulfist - MW Monk

So here is were the wheels almost came off the wagon. My net tried to kill this one this week. We had had some bad storms move through on Tuesday night and then we had a bad wind storm on Wed. night which took down some trees, which took down some power lines and must have messed up some of our internet lines as well. The latency looked like it had settled down and all was well, so I headed out and killed one stag next to the flight point in winterspring no problem. I hit jade lightning on the next one and the spell lite up and never went off.. for a few seconds I was not sure what was up, was it lag? Was it a realm shift? So I hit a healing spell hoping for the best... that didn't go off either. At that moment I knew it was a d/c and had pretty much told myself that my monk was probably dead. The net did not come back up for almost 45 minutes so I was more the prepared to be logging in and being in the grave yard. I mean I've done this song and dance before when the net we had and my old pc were more unstable. To my surprise I was alive and well when I logged back in standing next to the flight point. I lucked out d/cing in that spot because the mobs that were there were neutral. So some how she survived to see level 49 with a /played time of 2 days, 17 hours, 53 minutes, and 39 seconds. Her total kills are at 5,554.

Soulfulpaw - Bal Druid

So the current big girl is still alive and well and pining for the day she'll be out of shadowmoon valley in WoD. The WoD zones just feel so exhausting right now to grind through. She's got a ton of fur to sell when she finally gets to an AH. This week she made it to level 97 with a /played of 9 days, 14 hours, 24 minutes, and 11 seconds. Her total kills are at 25,096.

Tidalsoul - Resto Shaman

She too is in Winterspring, grinding away. Following closely in Soulfist's footsteps. Her level was pretty quiet. She did make it to level 48 with a /played time of 2 days, 8 hours, 43 minutes, and 2 seconds. Her total kills are at 4,962.

Blood Team Soul Patrol - Rouge/Priest

These two are becoming very much a large side project. Dual boxing them with only one of the toons really doing any combat feels like it's adding a bit of time to the process. They are currently in Feralas. Last week they got a green whelp to drop, this week they got a darter hatchling to drop. Now if I can get them to sell on AH I'll be in good shape. This week they made it slowly to level 36 with a /played time of 4 days, 11 hours, 28 minutes and 34 seconds. The teams total kills are currently at 6,966.

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