Another week, another Blood Thirsty Challenge update! It was a productive week. Got a few levels on some other challengers away from stream as well as on stream. Hit a couple of milestone levels with a few challengers as well, so let's dive in!
Kneesee - BM Hunter
First up this week was the BM Hunter. She did not have enough money to get riding at the time I was changing her zone location but she did make enough off AH to be able to afford it the next time she's in a city. She is now settled in Wetlands and getting her grind on. This week saw her get to level 21 with a /played time of 10 hours, 35 minutes, and 16 seconds. Her total kills are at 798.
Renewedsoul - Holy Priest
Little holy girl is still going strong out in Arathi. Amazingly she is still able to handle rares and she's still not feeling as squishy as I had expected her to considering she has no shield. This week she made it to level 29 with a /played time of 1 day, 3 hours, 37 minutes and 11 seconds. Total kills are now at 2, 042.
Soulfist - MW Monk
She is enjoying her change of color pallet out in Blasted Lands. Haven't come across any rares yet in my loop even though there are at least two possible. She actually feels pretty strong right now so color me impressed. She made it to level 51 this week with a /played time of 2 days, 23 hours, 29 minutes, and 51 seconds. Total kills are currently at 5,983.
Soulsnuffer - Disc Priest
She is still hanging in there, no real close calls yet. She did wrap up her time in Dragonblight tonight though. Next week she'll be moving on to a different location. Tonight she made it to level 70 with a /played time of 5 days, 14 hours, 55 minutes, and 13 seconds. Total kills are at 10,439.
Soulstoned - Destro Lock
OMG! This one finally, finally wrapped up her time in Icecrown. Next week she'll be moving on to Pandaria's Jade Forest. She made it to level 80 tonight with a /played time of 7 days, 21 mintues, and 6 seconds. Her total kills are at 15,183.
Soulfulpaw - Bal Druid
When I logged in to work on her this week the exit quest did pop up and I was never more relived.. so glad to have finally gotten out of WoD at least for a little while. This one is all settled in new Dal and enjoying her grinding location. She made it to level 99 this week with a /played time of 10 days, 4 hours, 54 minutes, and 27 seconds. Her kill total is currently 26,116.