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Blood Thirsty Update 6/5/19

Sorry about no update last week. somehow time got away from and I guess I completely forgot. Well, no matter, on with this week's update I guess.

Kneesee - BM Hunter

No scares this week. Manged to snag a rare or two and got a couple of gear upgrades. Next week she'll probably move out to Arathi. This week she made it to level 24 with a /played time of 13 hours, 26 minutes, and 6 seconds. Her total kills are sitting at 1,253.

Renewedsoul - Holy Priest

The power of the light is still guiding her along. Hinterlands will continue to be her home for the next couple of weeks yet. Pretty smooth week and Ole'Muddle seems to be leaving me be. This week she made it to level 32 with a /played time of 1 day, 7 hours, and 30 minutes. Her kills total is currently 2,507.

Soulfist - Mist Weaver Monk

She is still out in Blasted Lands melting things. No close calls and a pretty quiet level really. A /played time of 3 days, 3 hours, 54 minutes and 31 seconds saw her to level 54. Her total kills are at 6,596.

Soulsnuffer - Disc Priest

This little one is still doing laps out in Ice Crown. Cloth drops have been pretty good, plus she is getting cash off the humanoids. It's not a ton but you know it's something. She got to level 73 this week with a /played time of 5 days, 23 hours, 49 minutes and 43 seconds. Her total kills are 11,307.

Soulstoned - Destro Lock

Well I thought the portal to Uldum might be open but when I checked on it, sadly it was still closed so back to Panda land I went with this one. Slowly but surely she made it through another level. No issues this week but damn, that void walker is a taunting maching leaving so many poor dead critters in it's wake. This week she got to level 83 and should be able to enter Uldum next week. Her /played time is sitting at 7 days, 14 hours, 30 minutes and 1 second. Total kills are at 16,760.

Soulfulpaw - Bal Druid

Another week, another level! Still grinding away out in Azuna. I know I spelled it wrong. Don't hate me. I did manage to snag another trinket so she is sporting two now. Cloth drops still feel a little low so either my RNG does in fact hate me or they lowered the cloth drop rate. Not sure. This week she got to level 102 with a /played time sitting at 10 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes and 21 seconds. Total kills are sitting at 27,499.

Blood Team Soul Patrol - Priest and Rogue

Ah, yes the team is back in action for a couple of weeks. They are still hanging out in Feralas and probably will be till level 40. No major issues this week, no good drops either. Right now the goal is to make it to level 40! This week they did make it to level 37 with a /played time total sitting at 4 days, 17 hours, and 46 seconds. The team's total kills are sitting at 7,314.

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