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Blood Thirsty Update 6/12/19

Update time! Haha, see sometimes I do remember to do this!

Kneesee - Beast Master Hunter

Okay, I admit I got tired of Wetlands. It happens, sometimes you just need a change of pace, so we found one. I know it was a level early but this one marched off to Arathi! There are several rares in my grinding path here so sometimes I luck out and find one or two up but I will admit it's rather a hard feat to accomplish these days with it being so busy. No real issues and we got the rare Ripwing I think his name is on stream so yay! Got to level 25 with a /played total of 15 hours, 2 minutes, and 12 seconds. Her total kills are at 1,339!

Renewedsoul - Holy Priest

She is still kicking it in the Hinterlands. This level right out the gate she saw the rare bear Ole muddle just walking out from behind Storefeather Outpost. He was taking down without issueso that was good at least. Only came across him once though. She got to level 33 with a total /played time of 1 day, 8 hours, 57 minutes, and 59 seconds. Her total kills are at 2,677.

Soulfist - Mist Weaver Monk

She is still out in Blasted Lands melting things. Which is still a surprise for a healing class to me. Just a few more levels to go before she high tails it to Outlands. No issues this week, did not manage to catch any rares up so that was sadness. This week she got to level 55 with a /played total of 3 days, 5 hours, 30 minutes, and 14 seconds. Her total kills are at 6,814

Soulsnuffer - Disc Priest

All right she is still out in Icecrown slowly grinding her way to 80 and her ticket out of there. Things have been going pretty well. No major issues and no rare run ins. This week saw her safely to level 74 with a total /played time of 6 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes, and 15 seconds. Total kills are at 11,618.

Soulstoned - Destro Lock

Well, she made her move out to uldum and it's nice to have a change of pace. She still feels kinda slow to me though. The poison the serpents are putting on my void walking are hitting very hard so I do have to make sure I am watching his health carefully since he is my sword and shield...(sister hazel reference anyone? no? okay...) She made it to level 84 with a /played time of 7 days, 18 hours, 55 minutes, and 32 seconds. Her total kills are at 17,260.

Soulfulpaw - Bal Druid

Moving on up in the levels, that's what she's doing. So far, so good with grinding in legion. I've gotten a few upgrades this level, mostly necklace and trinket upgrades but okay. Making a little bit of gold off the mobs I'm grinding on between drops and what I am straight up looting off them. No real issues this week, just a tip on watching when you use your strikes more the one target spells. This week she got to level 103 with a /played time of 11 days, 22 minutes, and 20 seconds. Wonder if she can get there in the same 18 days the pally did? I'm thinking it's going to be close.. Her total kills are at 27,961.

Blood Team Soul Patrol

Still have some time on this duo. They are killing away still in Feralas. Haven't had any more pets drop yet but that's okay am still trying to sell the other two. It has been a little slow going but I guess that's better then fast and fucking it up. They made it to level 38 this week with a /played time of 4 days, 22 hours, 26 minutes, and 51 seconds. Their total kills are at 7,640.

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